Carrigaline Bible Study

Welcome to My Blog, will keep you all posted on what is happing with our Bible Study & how God is blessing us as we grow.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Carrigaline Christmas Bible Study 2011.....God Blessed

We had a blessed time in our Christmas Bible Study. Everybody from the Bible study turned, up plus a lot of extra helpers, so we had a full house. It went Great!

Gift Bags For our Bible Study group, neighbors, and Carrigaline Shop Keepers, Postmen etc..... 

                                                      Inside the gift bag, The most important is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, some sweets, tea & candy Cains...
                                        Team work in making the Gift Bags 

                                       Lydia, Eileen Carol, Lily & Betsy
                                           Emmanuel and Mojisola 
                                               BrĂ©d & Jerry
                                           One side of the Group
                                              Gift Giving
                                                Food Time

                                   Our Children Bible Class Group :-)

                                                 Hymns Rehearsal before Services 

                                                     Weston was a Great Helper
                                                  All For Jesus...Born To Die
                Eileen & Rachel Preparing for the Christmas bible Study.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Kevin O’Keeffe Family Church-Planting
In Cork City

Sept 2011
(Jer. 32:27)  Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

Dear Praying Churches, Pastors, and Friends,

It has been a busy summer with a lot accomplished, both in my own Sending Church and also, with ongoing work 

in Church Planting in the Carrigaline area of Cork. We are continuing to door knock every Saturday, and then during the week I try to follow up with any new contacts. It takes time to develop contacts in the area. We have also advertised on the local papers to attract people to the Bible Study. The thing that I am praying for most is that, God would send People into the Study that have a real hunger for God. We are still in Proverbs, going verse by verse, through each chapter. The biggest obstacle in a study like this is a lack of faithfulness; sometimes we have a good turnout, other times, we would just have a few. It however, is always exciting to see who the Lord is going to bring through our doors.

We have also been helping out in our Sending Church. There has been lots of activity with Youth Camp, and Bible Club for kids. I have learned a lot from this. I am planning next year to have a Bible Club in my area, so that, we can bring the gospel to kids that probably have never heard.   


Discipleship: I have a discipleship every Monday evening with a man named Michael. He is an unsaved man that I believe understands the gospel but is just not quite ready to get saved. He has even gone door knocking with me as the silent partner, and has helped me in various ways; so the burden of my heart is to see him gloriously and wonderfully saved. I am also hoping, in the next few weeks to be able to start another discipleship in another home. I believe this is the key in getting people grounded in the Scriptures.

Soul Winning Progress: We are continuing to promote the Bible Study by door to door evangelism. We have made some very good contacts in recent weeks and I am hopeful that these would be very good potentials for the bible study. The hardest thing about follow up so far, is that, when we have called back to that door, there hasn’t been anyone at home.     

Deputation Update: My main focus in the recent while has been the United Kingdom. I have several bookings over the next few months, mostly in England and in Wales. I am Thankful to Bethany Baptist Church for recently taking us on for support. I pray the Lord would abundantly bless them for this step of faith. It is a great encouragement to me when I hear such news. I will be in Grace Baptist Church in Enfield at the end of the month for a Missions Conference, so I am busy preparing for that.  

Please Pray... I believe with all my heart that prayer is the key. Please pray for those that I have in the Bible Study, and in discipleship. Especially for Michael, that the Lord would open up his heart, and I would see some fruit from this discipleship. Also, please pray that the people that are coming to the Bible Study would be consistent and faithful every week.

Sending Church:
Bible Baptist Church of Ballincollig
Pastor Craig Ledbetter
                  Unit B, Enterprise Park  
Inishmore, Ballincollig, Cork
Tel: 021-4871234
Contact Information:
Kevin O'Keeffe
38 Droim An Oir
Kilmoney Road
Carrigaline, Cork
Tel: 087-9443022

All support should be made payable to the Bible Baptist Church Mission’s Account, with Kevin O’Keeffe noted as the recipient, at the above Church Address. Receipts are available upon request.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We had a most blessed Bible Study tonight. We were in Proverbs Chapter 6, dealing with a lot of practical and serious subjects. I am glad for a Book that deals with the good and the bad in human behavior. God lays down commandments for our own benefit, that we would heed them, and stay away from destructive sinful pitfalls. The Book of Proverbs is truly amazing!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Carrigaline Bible Study News & Up Date
Discipleship every Monday at 7pm

Carrigaline Bible Study every Wednesday Night at 7pm, Studying the Book Of Proverbs, also a time of Prayer and Fellowship.

Any Information Please Contact Kevin O'Keeffe at

Saturday, August 6, 2011


The Kevin O'Keeffe       

                                In Cork City

July 2011

Eph 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Dear Praying Churches, Pastors, and Friends,

It has been an interesting couple of months. At the end of June I started having vision problems in my right eye. It was like a curtain of blackness that started impairing my vision. At first, I thought it was a cold in my eye that would soon go away of its own accord. But in a matter of a few days, I was almost blind in my right eye. So I quickly went to the doctor and he was able to tell me that my retina was quite badly torn and that I needed an operation to repair it. Since then I have been in recovery and have had limitations on what I can do. My vision in my right eye is improving all the time but, in the mean time, I have to be careful and rest more than before. I have learned a great amount through this trial; God will not tell you the answer to why certain things happen to us in our lives, but, He will always give you the GRACE sufficient to go through each valley. I am so thankful for praying Christians who took the time on their knees to pray for us. It has thought me once again the importance of unfeigned prayer of the brethren; that is where the real fight is.   

Developing Discipleship: I am most excited about the development of discipleships that has taken place recently. I started discipling a young man named Mark awhile back, and for a number of doctrinal areas that didn’t continue. I have now two discipleships that seem to be going strong. One is on a Monday evening and his name is Michael. He admits that he is not born again, but has a desire and hunger to know more. The other is with two ladies from a nearby town. We meet in their house most Tuesdays and they also have a desire to know more, but as of yet are not born again. I am very excited about these two discipleships and greatly desire some fruit from these endeavours.

Soul Winning Progress: I have done mostly visitations in the last month of those people that have come to the Bible study. As regards to knocking on doors, there has been very little activity that has gone on. The biggest problem with my eyes is that the sunlight makes my eyes watery, so I have been trying to stay in as much as possible. I am hoping that in the next few weeks to get back to normal activity.   

Deputation Update: I am also restricted from flying because they had to put a gas bubble in my eye. It will take up to six weeks for it to dissolve fully. That will probably be about mid August. So until then, I will not be in a position to visit churches and to continue my deputation trail.

Please Pray... Please remember to pray for the two discipleships to continue and for the Wednesday night Bible Study to grow. We are going through the Book of Proverbs and it has been a great blessing so far. Please also, pray that things would soon return to normal, and that we would soon get back to door knocking every Saturday.

Some Good News... My wife Eileen is expecting again. She is now ten weeks pregnant and we are very excited about that. Whatever the Lord gives us is fine, but it would be sure nice if it was a baby boy.

Sending Church:
Bible Baptist Church of Ballincollig
Pastor Craig Ledbetter
                  Unit B, Enterprise Park  
Inishmore, Ballincollig, Cork
Tel: 021-4871234
Contact Information:
Kevin O'Keeffe
38 Droim An Oir
Kilmoney Road
Carrigaline, Cork
Tel: 087-9443022

All support should be made payable to the Bible Baptist Church Mission’s Account, with Kevin O’Keeffe noted as the recipient, at the above Church Address. Receipts are available upon request

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bible Study Wednesday 15/06/2011

Praise God ! We had a full house. I know that God is not into numbers, but rather, just being found faithful. I am glad however, when God brings people out to hear from His Word. We also had one visitor who said that he would be back again. We were in Proverbs Chapter 2, and we learned about understanding that only comes from knowing God. Bro. Kevin

Thursday, May 26, 2011

We had a great Bible Study tonight. We finished the concluding chapter of the 
gospel of John. The thing that is so neat about the chapter is that Jesus asked 
Peter three times if he loved Him. Jesus leaves us with the most important 
thought that we can have in our Christian life; do we really love Him like we say?
Bro. Kevin

Below is a Photo of a Young man name Mark we meet up to discuss the truth's about God's Word, Please Keep him in Prayer as God is working on his Heart.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Wednesday 9/3/2011

Carrigaline Bible Study
Bible Study Went Very Well Mrs. Carol is coming out more faithful now once again and so Thankful for those who come each week Faithful also...Children Class went well they learned Ephesian 6:1 ....We also have a good few Ladies coming to our First Carrigaline Ladies meeting this Friday at 7pm..Thanking God For All he is Doing Here.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bible Believing Bible Study

As we get into John Chapter 14, Jesus begins to prepare his disciples for his soon departure. He starts off the Chapter by telling them, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me". He tells them about the reward of Heaven, and that, the only way to the Father is through HIM. (John 14:6). Salvation is not based on a Religion or denomination, but rather, a person named JESUS. The most convicting part of the Chapter is John 14:15, which says, "If you love me, keep my commandments" It is one thing to say that you love Him, It is another thing to demonstrate that LOVE by obeying his commandments. Yet, we can only do this, if we allowing the risen Christ to live and Reign in our hearts where we yield fully to Him, instead of some sinful tendency. (Mark 7:21) 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Prayer Letter January 2011

The Kevin O’Keeffe     
in Cork City
January 2011
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.(Proverbs 4:18)

Dear Praying Churches, Pastors, and Friends,

Thank you for your continual prayers and unfeigned love towards my family and me. As I continue in deputation and in pursuit of what the Lord has called me to do, it is a real blessing to realise that I am not alone.
I am expecting great things in 2011, as we begin a whole New Year. We have had a busy year. I have been doing a fair bit of travel from church to church, but I have felt so privileged and so blessed just to be doing what the Lord has called me to do. It is such a blessing to be able to present my burden and vision on behalf of my own people.

Ongoing Bible Study. The highlight of my week is our weekly Bible Study every Wednesday night. We are  going verse by verse through the book of John and it is always very exciting. We advertise our Bible Study on the paper, as well as, a challenge leaflet that we have handed out each week going
from door to door. The aim of the leaflet is to challenge people to see how much do people really know their Bible, and thereby, show them their need for a Bible Study. Some have faithfully come and some have come and moved on. What I like about a verse by verse study through the Word, is that the Holy Spirit always makes it personal to those attending. It has been amazing to observe the steady change that takes place in those that have an appetite for the WORD. The devil has
done a good job in blinding the minds of them that believe not (2 Cor. 4:4). It is only
Holy Spirit, through the Word, that can patiently open their eyes to the truth of God’s
Word. This is where a weekly Bible Study is so important, even if it is only a handful of people. My great desire and vision is to see this study grow where every chair in our house is full, and where we reach maximum capacity, that we would have to start meeting in a rental building.

Soul Winning Strategy: I am so grateful that I have abundant help from my Sending Church in reaching out to the Carrigaline area. It is nice to know that I have faithful brothers and sisters who are only too willing to help me. It would be easy to become discouraged if I had to door knock all by myself. It is refreshing to know that I am not alone in my desire and burden to see souls saved, and the establishment of a Bible Believing Church in this area. I have a building that I can rent out that would be perfect for a church gathering. So in the meantime I am going to commit this area to prayer until I get clear direction from the Lord.

Deputation Progress: I am thankful for the churches that have taken me on for support. I am hoping to really target the U.K and Europe this year as the main area of focus. I have several meeting booked already and I am looking forward to contacting as many churches in the future to present my Burden and Vision on behalf of my own people.
Please Pray... Please pray for the Bible study to grow and more people start attending. Pray that I would quickly raise my support, so that, I could give all my focus in seeing the establishment of a Bible Believing church in the Carrigaline area.

Sending Church
Bible Baptist Church Ballincollig
Inishmore, Ballincollig, Cork
Tel: 021-4871234

Contact Information:
Kevin O'Keeffe
38 Droim An Oir
Kilmoney Road
Carrigaline, Cork
Tel: 087-9443022

All support should be made payable to the Bible Baptist Church Mission’s Account, with Kevin O’Keeffe noted as the recipient, at the above Church Address. Receipts are available upon request.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tonights Bible Study

We had a most Blessed time in John thirteen. After Jesus had washed the disciples feet he said to them that one of them was to betray him. The Bible says, that Jesus was troubled in spirit. I believe that he was troubled because he knew what was in the heart of Judas Iscariot, and he knew that once Satan had entered in it was too late. The end result would be a ruined life. Psalms forty one, refers to Judas as "mine own familiar friend in whom I trusted" Judas had seen the miracles, and had spent three and a half years with Jesus, yet he betrayed him for thirty pieces of silver.
Yet, we need to realise there is a Judas in all of us
How desperately wicked our heart is, (Jer. 17:9) and how Crafty the Devil is!(Eph 6:11)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Carrigaline Bible Study 19/01/2011

Having A Blessed Week with the Weston's family from the USA helping out this week with Bible Study, Visitation & soul winning in our Carrigaline town. Had a Blessed Bible Study and the Lord truly showed himself in his word. Please Keep Mrs. Carol in Prayer as she plans to come back to the bible Study next week & for those who we will be speacking to this Saturday as we go Door Knocking that the Lord will soften people hearts to the Gospel. Thank you O'Keeffe Family

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On-Going Study

We had a great Bible Study tonight. It was in John Chapter 12 and God made it very personal to us. It says in John Chapter 12:23 that Son of Man should be glorified. Jesus was to be made beautiful in the presence of God the Father. It is humbling to realise that ultimate glorification takes place when Jesus is nailed to that old wooden Cross. And in Isaiah 53:10, it says that it pleased the Father to bruise Him. What a high cost was paid so I could be ransomed from my Sin.(2 Cor. 8:9)... What Amazing Grace!!!