Carrigaline Bible Study

Welcome to My Blog, will keep you all posted on what is happing with our Bible Study & how God is blessing us as we grow.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bible Study Wednesday 22/12/2010

                                                Fellowship at the Bible Study 22/12/2010

                                              Children in the Creche in our Living room

                                                Eileen watching the Children

                                                                     November 2010

There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
(Proverbs 30:12)

Dear Praying Churches, Pastors, and Friends,

Thank you for your prayers and love offerings that we have received as we have travelled on deputation! It is very humbling to realise just how much Christians do care about the Irish.  I believe, God is calling Irish men to stand in the gap for the sake of the winning the lost people in this land. I firmly believe, that if Irish men don’t start preaching and pastoring, Ireland will never be impacted by the gospel to the effect that it should be. The Gospel has got to come to our own people, from our own people. God has given me a burden for my own people, kind of like Nehemiah’s burden to restore and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. And I can’t thank all of our supporters and praying friends enough for standing with me for souls in Cork City!

Growing Bible Study: My deepest prayer of my heart is that there would be revival in this land. Ireland is dark, but as a Christian, I have the opportunity to shine a bright light into that darkness.
I have a growing Bible Study in my house every Wednesday night. We are going through the Book of John; verse by verse, it has been great! It started off with two people and we have now about five people coming most weeks. It takes time; it is a slow process of change.  But, it is all worth it when you see people changed into Christ’s image.

Door Knocking Weekly: You begin to see how dark, and how in bondage to sin, and how ultimately lost the Irish people are when you go knocking on doors. I have developed many contacts over the months and there are many open doors that I go back to. The most important lesson I have learned is that people need to know that you genuinely care. That involves a lot of follow up and plenty of patience.

Planning for the Future: It is never easy to do what the Lord wants you to do. My confidence is firmly placed upon JESUS. At the present time I have FOUR confirmed churches that have taken me on for financial and prayer support! They are, my sending church, the Bible Baptist Church of Ballincollig, Cork; the Bible Baptist Church of Dundee, Scotland; the Anchor Baptist Church of Waterford, and the Lighthouse Baptist Church of Swords,  Dublin!!! I am so grateful for these Pastors and loving congregations that also have taken a step of faith with me! If you or your church would like to support me, please contact my Sending Church at the address below! It is the greatest desire of my heart for us to see another Bible believing Baptist church started in Cork, in the very near future. I am presently looking for a suitable building that I can rent so that I can begin this glorious endeavour.

Please Pray... It all begins with prayer. God takes weak vessels who will wholly lean on JESUS. God takes the foolish things of this world to confound the mighty. So that, no flesh can glory in his presence. Please pray specifically for the following people to get saved: Carrol, Mags, and Bill, who are regularly coming to the Bible study, but as of yet, have no understanding of Salvation.

Sending Church:
Bible Baptist Church of Ballincollig
Pastor Craig Ledbetter
                  Unit B, Enterprise Park  
Inishmore, Ballincollig, Cork
Tel: 021-4871234
Contact Information:
Kevin O'Keeffe
38 Droim An Oir
Kilmoney Road
Carrigaline, Cork
Tel: 087-9443022

All support should be made payable to the Bible Baptist Church Mission’s Account, with Kevin O’Keeffe noted as the recipient, at the above Church Address. Receipts are available upon request.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bible Study

We had a great Bible Study. It was in John Chapter 11, and we had one new visitor. JESUS is truely the Messiah, where in the life of  Mary and Martha, their life has been shattered by the death of their brother, Lazurus. But Jesus is called, in the book of Acts, the Prince of Life; and he sure proves that when he calls for Lazurus come forth from the grave, to the amazement of the Jews and disciples. But, if we were to put ourselves in their shoes we would show the same sin of unbelief. Martha and Mary's faith only went so far and when put to the test it fails. JESUS shows us in this chapter that he is bigger than any problem that we could face, even death itself. (1 Cor.15:55) Amen!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Keep in Prayer our Christmas up comming event

Upcoming event Carrigaline Bible study Dinner This Saturday @ 3pm Follow us also on Facebook ''Carrigaline Bible Study''carrigaline bible study

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Carrigaline Soul Winning

My Wife & I are getting our Bible study tracts ready for soul winning in the Carrigaline Area..Please Keep in Prayer and for the Lord to Bless with fruit..Also thank to  Bible Baptist Church Of Ballincollig for All their Help...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bible Study 10-11-2010

We had a great Bible Study! It went very well. We had a older woman from the area. It was so sweet to go through John Chapter 10, where JESUS is the Good Shepherd, and not like the hireling, or the thief, that doesn't care for the sheep. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd.

He has proved His LOVE for us by willingly laying down His life. That b......ecomes a fresh reminder to us to keep our hearts FIXED on Him. (Psalm 57:7)See More

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kevin O'Keeffe Great Bible Study. I am learning so must from book of John personally. Jesus is not just the Great Saviour of mankind, but he is also the Great Teacher. John Chapter 9 begins with a blind man that JESUS opens the eyes of, and at the end of the Chapter, you have religious leaders who are also blind. They reject and deny the Miracle that was done, despite all the evidence. "therefore your sin remaineth"