Carrigaline Bible Study

Welcome to My Blog, will keep you all posted on what is happing with our Bible Study & how God is blessing us as we grow.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Carrigaline Soul Winning

My Wife & I are getting our Bible study tracts ready for soul winning in the Carrigaline Area..Please Keep in Prayer and for the Lord to Bless with fruit..Also thank to  Bible Baptist Church Of Ballincollig for All their Help...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bible Study 10-11-2010

We had a great Bible Study! It went very well. We had a older woman from the area. It was so sweet to go through John Chapter 10, where JESUS is the Good Shepherd, and not like the hireling, or the thief, that doesn't care for the sheep. Jesus is the GOOD Shepherd.

He has proved His LOVE for us by willingly laying down His life. That b......ecomes a fresh reminder to us to keep our hearts FIXED on Him. (Psalm 57:7)See More

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kevin O'Keeffe Great Bible Study. I am learning so must from book of John personally. Jesus is not just the Great Saviour of mankind, but he is also the Great Teacher. John Chapter 9 begins with a blind man that JESUS opens the eyes of, and at the end of the Chapter, you have religious leaders who are also blind. They reject and deny the Miracle that was done, despite all the evidence. "therefore your sin remaineth"